15.Draw Mold Stains On a Ziploc Bag To Keep People From Taking Your Lunch
Within the realm of shared office spaces, a peculiar phenomenon arises—a lamentable act of lunch theft among colleagues. Alas, fret not, for one individual has uncovered a remarkable solution to this pervasive predicament. Imagine adorning the bag that houses your nourishment with a clever disguise—a ghastly semblance of moldy stains. Behold, the power of repulsion! Your coworkers, repulsed by this illusory display, shall recoil from even the slightest temptation to pilfer your provisions. Embrace this unorthodox tactic, where creativity merges with preservation. Safeguard your lunchtime treasures, and deter the hands of the thieving few. Let your bag’s façade serve as a potent deterrent, ensuring the sanctity of your culinary delights remains unscathed.