16 Most Abandoned Places Of The World

5.Michigan Railway Station,Detroit

The city of Detroit bears the unfortunate burden of being a somber reminder of the decline of industry, and within its boundaries stands the Michigan Central Station—a relic of a bygone era. Erected more than a century ago, this magnificent railway station reigned supreme as the pinnacle of elegance and extravagance. Alas, it has now languished for a quarter of a century, void of any departing trains. As expected, opinions regarding its fate are sharply divided.

Many contend that the absence of funds necessary to revive its former glory warrants the station’s obliteration, for they deem it unsightly, an unattractive blight on the landscape. Yet, another faction fervently defends the beauty that resides within its dilapidated state. Notably, the station has become a sanctuary for photographers who intentionally seek its disheveled charm, capturing poignant images that portray the exquisite decay of once-opulent grandeur.